Monday, 17 December 2012

Mixed Race Families

Britain is now a better place to grow up mixed race. But don't celebrate yet

Prejudices have receded significantly in the past 20 years, but a report out this week shows racist attitudes remain

by Lanre Bakare, The Observer, Saturday 15 December 2012

lanre bakare and family

Growing up as a mixed race child, with a mother from Leeds and a father from Nigeria, my Bradford childhood certainly wasn't trouble-free. But I had the kind of relatives to see me through any tricky moments. As well as a fantastic, loving family on my mother's side, I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by a strong Nigerian community, focused around a friendship club my father founded, which acted as a focal point for a small but vibrant community.

With my dad and his mates I would hear Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa spoken; I'd listen to the music of Fela, Shina Peters and Ayinla Kollington, and get to taste jollof rice, eba, moinmoin and other Nigerian cuisine. This understanding and engagement with the other side of my ancestry and culture was vital to me. It gave me confidence to fall back on when people would question who I was. Both my parents instilled the idea in me that being different was a huge positive. It was something special, that should be celebrated and cherished rather than hidden or denied.

Not everyone is so lucky, of course. But this week a report released in the wake of the 2011 census threw fresh light on mixed race relationships in the UK and the public's perception of them. And it seemed to bring good news. The census revealed there are a million people who identify as mixed race. British Future, the thinktank that produced the report (titled The Melting Pot Generation – How Britain Became More Relaxed About Race), found that 15% of the public have a problem with these relationships, compared to 50% in the 80s and 40% in the 90s.

The so-called Jessica Ennis Generation (those born in the 80s and 90s, like me) was portrayed as more tolerant of, and essentially not bothered by, mixed race families.

It followed other recent reports which claimed that mixed race people are more attractive, more intelligent and biologically superior to their single race counterparts. But have the prejudices which blighted mixed race people and couples completely disappeared over the last 20 years? Has Britain entered into a post-racial nirvana in which that kind of prejudice has all but died out?

There's no doubt that things have improved. Significantly. Sure, growing up in Bradford in the 90s I had my share of the racist incidents which many people faced – name-calling at school, being singled out by the police, and feeling like I didn't "fit in'' with my peer group. But my experiences pale in comparison to those mixed race people who grew up in the generation before mine.

A friend's father, who is also mixed race, grew up in my area a quarter of a century before.

His brother was driven to painting his skin with white emulsion paint because he was so distressed at the abuse he received. His pores became clogged and he had to be taken to hospital as his skin could no longer breathe.

Stories like that make you realise that for a lot of mixed race people, growing up in a space between two cultures was testing, isolating and painful. There is no doubt society has moved forward since then, but we should be cautious about celebrating too soon. These things are complicated.

Take a journalist colleague of mine, Joseph Harker, who has a Nigerian father and an Irish mother. He is loth to identify as mixed race and sceptical about the motives behind the recent fascination with mixed race Britain and what it represents.

Seen from his point of view, mixed race people have become the new poster boys and girls of diversity because they are seen as less threatening, more attractive, more European and in short, more acceptable.

For him the constant thematising of "mixed race Britain'' is fashionable because it makes white people feel more comfortable. In one piece Joseph wrote, he asked: "Could Barack Obama have been elected were both his parents black?"

This school of thought would contend that the feting of stars like Jessica Ennis doesn't really reflect discrimination more ordinary mixed race folk face, regardless of how successful certain athletes or musicians are. This celebration of mixed race and black athletes is not a new phenomenon.

Daley Thompson won the Sports Personality of the Year award in 1982, and that triumph was seen by some as a watershed moment for race relations that would lead the way for more acceptance of mixed race people and mixed race relationships. It didn't really turn out that way in the 80s.

Then there is the example of the French football team in the World Cup of 1998. A team which included Arab, mixed race and black players like Thierry Henry, Patrick Vieira, David Trezeguet, Zinedine Zidane and Lillian Thuram was used to build up the idea of a French rainbow nation, as Paris and the country at large embraced multiculturalism and its different communities.

Yet, fast forward to 2011 and the French team was embroiled in a race row after Laurent Blanc was taped discussing proposals to reduce the number of black and Arab players in the side, addressing concerns the team wasn't white enough.

At the same time France was struggling to deal with race riots, the rise of the far-right with the increased popularity of staunch anti-immigration politicians like Marine Le Pen, who just last week was in trouble for comparing Islamic prayers to the Nazi occupation during the second world war.

During the same period Britain has had to deal with the rise of the BNP and the anti-immigration agenda which continues to dominate political discourse, with Ed Miliband stating on Friday that Labour made mistakes when it came to immigration and "Britain must always control its borders".

There does seem to be a disconnect between the immigration debate and the supposed flourishing of an at-ease "mixed race Britain''. Do politicians who praise the development of a more mixed country fail to see the obvious connection between that and immigration?

Let's not be too bleak. Things have changed for the better for mixed race Britons over the last 30 years. The point is that there are still prejudices which hinder improved race relations in the UK, which affect all racial groups. I agree with Minna Salami, who runs the MsAfropolitan blog and is mixed race, when she recently said: "There's an eagerness in society to try to be approving of all, which I'm quite moved by, but there's a level of silencing when you've got white reporters claiming mixed race people are symbols of harmony when their views aren't heard."

I've also written about the need for mixed race people to become part of the conversation before, but it seems we are continually used as an example of how Britain is moving on without ever being asked about our experiences or opinion.

Before the real impact of mixed race relationships can be measured in the UK, mixed race people themselves need to become part of the conversation.

When I was 15 I was confronted in a former girlfriend's house by her father, who said: "If I had known you were coming I'd have worn my Ku Klux Klan outfit." He then asked me to leave. It felt like I'd been dropped into a scene from Rita, Sue and Bob Too, the hardcore mid-1980s film about Bradford. But that kind of blatant racism is still experienced by some people if they have a partner outside their race. In many cities there is still open prejudice towards relationships between white women and Asian men in particular.

When a friend kissed an Asian schoolmate at a sixth-form party she was branded a "Paki shagger" the next day, and that kind of language was something Asian and white friends faced regularly when they went out with people outside their race.

The past week has shown how all elements of the media, leftwing and right, tabloid and broadsheet, are keen to present the UK as a more tolerant and mixed society than we were. And, of course, it is.

But there is a danger that by simply patting ourselves on the back and believing the feelgood tale of mixed race Britain we are ignoring the reality that a lot of mixed race people face, which is discrimination, lack of understanding and prejudice.

It's still not time to crack open the champagne.

Taken from HERE.


  1. In a world where you can travel within 12 hours from one end of the world to the other its clear for me that there will be more and more mixed kids and marriages. As the article said, it was a big problem in the past, but i doubt it is really big today. There will always be racism in the world, but thats against foreign cultures and not mixed people. It is stupid and I don't like it, but there is not much you can do, only to be open to new things and don't act dumb and be racist.

  2. I have many friends that are mixed race. Mostly of their parents are Indonesian and western people. They usually have good looks. Even in my class, there is a mixed race boy. We can get along just fine. There is no problem like discrimination or else. Usually Indonesian people respect them very much. But sometimes, I still hear many discrimination cases around the world. There are some places that the discrimination levels are very strong. I hope in the future, all of people can get along fine without any discrimination issue. Maybe we can use panda as a symbol of anti-discrimination, because panda is black, white and Asian.

  3. Humans are not the same and identical, but every humans should be treated in the same way or level. Mocking on race is a primordial act that shouldn’t exist more these days. Race doesn’t differentiate you in some level where certain race got higher degrees than the others. Race only differentiates you in a good way, for example different culture. For me various races mean a good thing. Imagine if all people were identically the same person. Hobbies, cultures and habits are all the same. Wouldn’t it be weird?

    1. Marsha, you said every living individual in this world should be treated fairly, does your statement apply to those bastards who commited War Crimes and Crimes against humanity? it is easy to say that mocking on race is a primordial act but the fact is, even here In our beloved Indonesia, people with the same race and different ethnicities still undergo conflict.

  4. I think that we are experiencing a globalization process, particularly also as the result of advanced technology (transportation and the internet). A lot of mixed couples meet in the internet, sometimes they even intentionally search for a significant other that is from a different race. I think that race-mixing is a beautiful thing because it represents that people are getting more tolerant everyday. It seems that mixed race is going to be a big thing in a couple of years, although yes, we haven't achieved what we would call the complete integration of races. As long as technology and humanity keep advancing, I think it is possible to achieve that.

  5. Well, issues about mixed-race can be found everywhere, even in Indonesia. I have no idea what it is like to be a mixed-race in Europe or other country than Indonesia. In Indonesia, I remember that when I was in high school, I had a friend who is a Bataknese. She really committed to her traditional culture. Her traditional culture compeled her to find a spouse who is also from Batak family in order to give the next generation a name of Batak family, which is wellknown as ‘marga’. If a Bataknese woman does not marry a Bataknese man, then she will be kicked out from the family cycle. Me, myself, cannot understand very well about this kind of tradition, although I prefer to have a girlfriend who is Javanese also, just like me. But, overall, I think the discrimination for mixed-races that is mentioned in this article was really is unfair. Why bother to concern about others race? Every human being has a right to live well, right. We have the same blood that is running through our veins, so please be acceptable for whoever they are.

  6. God create us as a human, but we are not as the same and identical as others, we are different with each other, but we should tolerate each other. differences are beautiful, but, I heard many discrimination issue around the world. In some places the discrimination levels are still very strong. I hope we can live with others in harmonic without discrimination abd full of peace.

  7. It’s a human right of being married with other person with different or same race. Every people were born to complete each other with a lot of differences. I like the idea about there are a lot of mixed race marriages in the world because it will make people to be open-minded, and see all of things out from the box. I have been seen a lot of couple with different races. For example in Indonesia, there are some children who have mixed races. Mostly, they are mixed up from Western and Indonesian and their figures are beautiful and handsome. Today is the era of globalization, and if you’re open –minded people, there won’t be discrimination along different races in the world.

  8. I think everyone has a human right to make a decision in their life to marry with someone with different or same race. As elisa said above, every people born to complete each other with a lot of differences. In indonesia, there's so many people have a mixed race family. I saw a lot of Indonesian woman married with western or eastern people. You should not discriminate people that married with different races, because it is the era of globalization.

  9. It’s true, the world is still rigid with race issues. Not all countries, but most of them are. Marrying someone whose ethnicity and race is different is not a crime; it’s our right to chose anyone we love. Nevertheless, I think nowadays people are aware because of globalization effect that may destroy or eliminate their countries’ culture asset. Think of it this way, we love our culture but we don’t want ethnocentrism nor racism in this world. I think race issues will still become a serious problem for the next centuries, unless the world as a whole can tolerate each other and share their cultures to others without any intention of domination to others.

  10. I agree with Dea, this is part of globalization. I think people nowadays accept people from different race. Mixed-race is still something unusual, but it's accepted in by community. It is said that in recent reports claimed that mixed race people are more attractive, more intelligent and biologically superior to their single race counterparts. I think that is true, mixed race people are usually smarter. Even in Indonesia, mixed race people are considered 'superior' as they are usually more attractive. There shouldn’t be any more discrimination toward mixed race people and other minorities. Living in a globalized era means that we should be ready to accept all differences.

  11. A race musn't differentiate you with other people. In sociology, race is catagorized as a horizontal differences like religion also. So a race musn't be higher or lower than other race because each race is equal. Different from job level or wealth which are catagorized as vertical differences because it differs from one to another. They have levels, for example, Tom is a CEO while Bob is only a janitor so Bob is lower than Tom in term of their job level.

    Talking about marriage from different races, as what i can see is not very commonly happened. In Indonesia, there not many different race but Indonesia surely has so many different ethnicities. In advance, marriage between different ethnicities are very common.

  12. Globalization is a process of loss of barriers that inhibit the connection between one another. The examples of barriers that possibly trammel something to relate are distance, territory, religion, point of view, ethnicity, and race is belong to one of those. Race issue was very strict long before the globalization started to spread. Most of country debated which race that it the best of all, the highest of all, the most sacred of all. And it obviously made marriage between different races was very rare. But nowadays, every country began to open their mind, began to look everything not that poky. The result of mixed races marriage is a mixed race people. Sometimes, mixed race person looks more charm than the people without it. But they often face the problem with recognition from their origin. But day by day, it will probably disappear.

  13. In a country where racial divisions remain deep, all this love is an enormously hopeful sign of progress in bridging barriers. When it comes to racial reconciliation-and here I'm thinking primarily of blacks and whites-there are certain things I think each group wishes the other would understand. Rather than venturing to suggest what blacks wish whites understood, let me simply speak from my own fallible perception and offer one thing I think many whites want blacks to know and one thing I think many white people should try to understand in an effort to love their minority neighbors as themselves.

    1. Regarding to your comment, these actions would be easier said than done. Racial conflict was a major problem that countries faced back then, and it still is! How many white people would be killed if they said the 'N' word to a black guy? What I'm trying to say is, the problem will forever exist, and to erase it would be extremely difficult due to cultural reasons as they were treated differently in the past.

  14. Nowadays, different nationalities from all over the world will live together in one country. This means that it is a normal that there is an increase of mixed children, which can be seen positively. Nevertheless there are still too many people who are racist and many of them for reasons nobody can understand. Besides black people sometimes still have difficulties in finding a good job.
    Let's turn our attention to Indonesia referring to this topic. As far as I know mixed people for example Dutch and Indonesian are approved and respected. I even experienced that many Indonesians are a little bit jealous sometimes, because they look special and often have more money.
    Furthermore it is a fact that opposites attract each other. I hope that one day all nationalities can be seen as similar and one unity.

  15. People are created differently each other. I believe that these differences is used to complement each other therefore there should be no places at all for racialism. Racialism could be occur as a result of arrogance from certain a group of race. They believe that their race is the best one. Unfortunately, they forget that human is a social creature which means that people need each other. Mixed race family could become a good example for anti-racialism. Having mixed family will also give us wider viewpoint in understanding people characteristics. Moreover we could have learn a lot of culture which make us have more knowledge. The most important key to have harmony relationship in mixed family are mutual understanding and love. Mutual understanding means that we understand and respected each other. Love means that we have to share our affection to everyone, without any exception. I totally believe that having mixed race family will be very interesting and enjoyable.

  16. I agree with what my friends mentioned above, mixed races is a part of globalization effects. Nowadays, people are more tolerating than before, mixed race families are more accepted than before but even though it is more acceptable, doesn't mean that they don't face racism and other issues caused by their races. In my own experience, I also faced racism in my early years. I'm half Chinese and half Javanese with a lot of exposure to Chinese environment. Most of people saw me as a weird person and called me names because I'm not Javanese but not enough Chinese either. I think as we grow up, most of us become more tolerating to mixed races; people become less racist and more open minded. It's still a long way to go but I hope that in the future people will become more tolerating than today and see everyone equally.

  17. Every person is different but at the end we are all still humans and should also be treated equally, without any prejudices based on skin color or origin. I agree with the opinion of my fellow students who claim that globalization means loss of barriers. In a world where we can travel so fast from one place to another, where we can communicate without problems and where we all are connected through the world wide web, we should show a little bit more tolerance. I feel poor with people who are still racist because they still not recognized the big advantage and opportunity to live in a multicultural society. There are many mixed families which are still not accepted but I hope this will change. As far as I know a good family is not defined as one in which all have the same ski color, but one in which everybody loves each other. People should be allowed to love whoever they want without being judged by others. I hope in the future people will remember that all humans are equal and therefore behave more tolerant.

  18. I’m really glad to read this article and to see the world in progress. Racism has always been a big problem but I was hoping a change and this article is a good proof. Of course we are not the same and it is better. How could we imagine a world with similar people? It would be boring and without interest. It’s so pleasant to meet people from different culture and it’s even better when they can mix together. Then the children can be multicultural and it’s so enriching in my opinion. So let’s mix the world!

  19. Well, after read this article, I’m really glad that there were still people who not consider about the different race among people. We can see that in this world, the word “racism” is still happen in many cases. We are human who lives in different places and time in earth, must be has a different races, belief, culture and religion. But, does this kind of different will make us different than the other? We are human in basically is the same, which need food, love, and relations. Well in my opinion, what makes people always have marriage with the same races is because they have similar belief and culture each other to prevent complicatedness in their life. But nowadays, i guess the different races is not really complex thing to consider, regarding a lot of people have marriage with people who has different races, a lot of Indonesia people marriage with the foreign country and they live happily together.

  20. For over a decade, immigration issues have been headlines in the UK. The nature of the discussions bear a clear racial dimension as well as hostility to Eastern Europeans, such as those from Poland. Anti-immigrant rhetoric has also contributed to increasing interest in racist political parties such as the British National Party. This also, predictably, has increased as the global financial crisis impacts more of Britain’s population. One thing that UK should realise is that when they're growing more they need to be more adaptable to accept something new. They need to accept the races,beliefs and culture. All humans are equal.

  21. I'm always a bit surprised when I read articles like this, because i'm from a very multicultural country. In 2010 we had around 16,4 million people and about 20% of them are 'foreigners'. Additionally there live people from 190 different nationalities. On primairy school I met children from other cultures for the first time, ever since I found other cultures very interesting. But I think the main point how people act around other cultures has to do with one's upbringing. Besides that one's ignorance and lack of knowledge plays a big role in discrimination. When I was young I got a stepfather from Sierra Leone, Africa...I can remember how other Dutch children acted, sometimes scared sometimes a bit stand-off. But after hearing more about other cultures and really getting to know people they see that they are just human. So please everyone just open up and dont judge a book by his cover.

  22. It is so sad and at the same time stupid that discrimination and racism is still such a topic and so obviously manifested so deeply in peoples minds.
    We are all individuals, that´s what defines us, our character, our behavior and makes us to the person we are. Of course our world consists of many continents and countries, with different climate conditions and ways to live, therefore people´s appearance and the color of their skin varies.
    From my point of view this is a nice natural fact, which we should appreciate as a fact making us individual, unique and at the same time belong somewhere.
    But where is the point and the sense to judge people for the way they look and where they come from?
    Surprising about this article was for me that the new focus of discrimination seems to be on "mixed race people", who sadly have an even harder life, struggling even more with their origin and belonging. Indeed those people are the best example showing that and how well people from different backgrounds can live together, love each other and have these beautiful looking kids!

  23. It is a good point that racism and discriminations decrease, but unfortunately it still exists, and it is not ready to stop. Too many people are suffering of it : in France for example, there is a strong racism with African and Arab people, and sometimes they can't find any job because of their origins instead of their CV. This is very sad, because we are all humans, we are supposed to be equals, and according to The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ( fundamental document of the French Revolution), men are born and remain free and equal in rights. That is definitely not true now.

  24. We've seen everywhere that racism and discrimination have been decreasing, but it hasn't disappeared completely either. Mixed race families are examples of how tolerating people have become today. Some of my friends come from mixed race families and sometimes they tell me about discrimination they've ever experienced. It's a shame that there are still some people who mock or trash talk someone just because they have different ethnicity remembering globalization means that the world should become more modern too. I hope that as time goes by, all the discrimination and racism towards everyone will decrease and finally disappear.

  25. After reading this article, I've come to realize that there are still many discrimination and racism in the world. I think in Indonesia, people are more tolerating because there are so many ethnicity and races here. Of course sometimes people still become racist but it's getting better day by day. Everything starts from ourselves so I think we should first remind ourselves to be more open minded and tolerating. If everyone can do that, of course discrimination and racism can disappear from this world.

    1. of course the tolerant can the the best idea to reduce or erase the raciscm in this earth. need much effort to do it. and its true that might be a lot of indonesian has more tolerant because there are so many diversity in indonesia. so they used to it. to see the different and can unit it become one like mixed family is really great and interesting

  26. Unfortunately, there many people who just don't want anything to do with people that aren't the same race as them because they may not find them attractive or believe in the negative stereotypes about them. From you're cousin's family's perspective, they are used to having only their race in their family. All of a sudden, a mixed race is added, so they feel as if it "ruins" the family flow. I feel bad for your cousin's newborn because family should love family, regardless of race. You and your cousin should have a talk with the family and explain why something that cannot be controlled such as race shouldn't effect how they treat each other. Depending on how understanding they are, it may or may not work. Situations like that are very difficult to resolve.

  27. I saw a lot of mixed race families in my high school, but I don’t think they have such a big difficulty like race discrimination. I know some races are strongly being racist and hard to accept other races. That’s why the mixed race families face some barriers just like race issue. Personally, I feel sad and a bit disappointed with the race issue. I mean, why does discrimination exist among mankind like us? Rationally, people whether they are from Mongolian, Caucasian, or Negroid race, they were obviously born in one planet that’s called earth. So basically all races are just the same, and I think the race discrimination should be abolished. And the way is for us not to be racist. I hope this world will accept each other differences and being more tolerant. I believe living peacefully is desired by all citizens in this world, right?

    1. Yeah, and I bet lot of mixed families in our school are just fine, no conflict, no racism, no bad thing. I'm sure we just need time to know or understand other people, But sometime we trust our eyes more than our heart. We judge other and that's all...
      So, we need more understanding, and believe that every single human has chance and reason.

  28. This article is really interesting. Nowadays, with the phenomenon of the Globalization, it is more and more common to see mixed race families. Indeed, it is more and more simple and short to travel all over the world. So, we attend a mixture of various cultures. For example, I went to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for Christmas. There is a very big community of Indians and Chinese. I find it very enriching to live in a multicultural country. It is a real message of tolerance.

  29. I agree with this article. Today, there are some of families that are mixed race. Those phenomenon appeared because of the globalization. There are some people from another country that like to migrate and go abroad and find their soulmate outside their country. Some of people amazed with children made by the mixed of parent’s race because sometimes those children are handsome and beautiful. But, there are also some people that are discriminate those people because they think that those people are not came from their country. In my opinion, people that discriminate others it is because they are not knowledgable and think that their country is the best and would not accept other country cultures. For example in Indonesia, there are some locals or we called ‘pribumi’ that are not accept Chinese people that actually also Indonesian. They think that Chinese is different with Indonesia therefore they behave differently with Chinese from Indonesia. It is a bad behavior because they behave in equally with people from different race that actually they also came from their country.

  30. what's wrong with the mixed race family? is there any kind of judgment when a black man has a wife from the different ethnicities? even a twin baby has a difference, what about everybody else there? difference is special and that's why the god created us to be different, because we should learn about this difference. just stop racism please and if they don't like the difference why don't they marry a man for man and a woman for a woman, I just don't like this racism mindset.

    1. there's nothing wrong about difference, after all God create human to be difference, and difference make perfect.
      if everyone is good at math, and bad at biology, then I doubt the medical technology will become this good compared to before, because we are different it made us, human perfect
      but sometimes, or in many case human afraid because they are different, that's can't be helped because distrust and fear is one of the human emotion too.

  31. I think the number of people that racist in this world has reduced. In ancient times many people are racist and they makes a lot of black people into slaves. in this day a lot of regulation is created for people that racist. for example in football if any players are racist and mocking another player, then he will get a punishment and penalties. the point is today there are a lot of people that aware of the bad impact of racism and discrimination, they treat all the people the same. we as the young generation must continue this.

  32. It's a peculiar world we live in where ginger haired males (ginger hair is synonomous with Britain above all countries, although not vice versa of course) are much less represented in the media than black or mixed race people in Britain.I'd say that ginger haired males - especially working class ones no matter how clever they are- are the new blacks / mixed race but have been in that position for decades but with the significant twist in the tail that ginger haired people were actually amongst the first indigenous people of these isles.Pampered, educated, yet sarky Southern girls in particular seem to think that it is cool to have a black boyfriend at some point. It's like the latest trend for them. It's like being on a continuous exotic holiday as they have so many of per year.

  33. In Indonesia, mixed race is an advantage in ways that they usually more attractive, intelligent and so on. And because of this, no racism and prejudice is faced by this person. However, outside the country this does not usually happen. Some races are looked down on and others feel superior about it. Parents themselves don’t realize that they introduce and influence their own child to the idea of racism, directly or indirectly. Indirect ways are for example media, such as television.
    Even though the amount of racism going on has decreased over the past decades, I don’t think it will ever go away.

  34. That is our rights to marry people that we love no matter what is his or her race. God create us different than the other, no one is the same. Not just that, God create us to complete each other no matter what differences they have. We shall respect each other so there is no conflict about race anymore. There is no problem i think as long they live happily ever after.

  35. I myself am a mixture - Caucasian with Slavic. No one of my friends has a clear line of origin without 'foreign' influence. Be it the parent or grandparents. I think it is cool to be able to say that one belongs to two cultures, makes you a richer person of some kind.

  36. Long before globalization happens, I think there are already so many mixed race families in every part of the world. With the globalization, which is diminishing people’s identity barriers, I think mixed race families will increase more and more in terms of amount. It is fully human rights to love with anybody from any race. You cannot apply rules to set up who’s to be in love with. We should not discriminate mixed race families’ members. They do not have any obvious mistake to be underestimated among the society. After all we are the same as human being, creations of God.

  37. It's God's decision to create human in many different kinds of race. In God's eyes we are all the same, no matter we are from one race or different race or even the mix of both or more. The ones that can differentiate us from others should not be seen physically, but the opposite. That's why we should not underestimate or mock others who are physically different with us. We have to respect them if we want to be respected because we are all human being created by the same God. Why should we mock the color people if we are all made of a drop of sperm?


  38. After reading the article, i kind of felt the prejudice and the hardships of those people mentioned in the article experienced. Being a member of mixed race family during the 60s to 80s period is extremely harsh, especially when the surroundings and people are against the idea of a mixed race family. The society needs to be reminded and educated that everyone is born different, and they need to settle with their differences in order to live in harmony.

    A person should not be judged by the colour of their skin or from what race they belong to. Im quite glad that number of cases of racism or anything related it has recently dropped or decreased compared to the 80s, it shows that human being are getting closer to each other and are willing to settle with their differences.

  39. Discrimination towards something that is different than the majority is something that will always be there. The actions might be not as extreme as the old times but I think it will always be there, since people have different views on differences on background and cultures.
    I thought about it as I read this article, I guess having different cultures and background within the environment you grow up in would be really exciting. Because you will get to see how people have different perspectives on things and ways of living. If since we were little we were faced with differences and taught about tolerance, I think when we grow up we will be able to appreciate differences better.

  40. Differentiation can be good or bad. With differentiation, there's uniqueness that makes people different with each others, we can see people from different perspective, so can they. However, in Indonesia, some people still discriminate others. Most of old people still act this way because of the situation they're in from they're young till now. Things like war, conflict etc make them think this way. In this modern era, i hope people can understand and respect each others more.

  41. In my opinion, a race-mixing family is a different challenge. We need to learn different cultures and it takes more time to get into those 2 race’s cultures. But there’s nothing wrong with this thing if someone wants to do it. People created in diversity so they can complement each other. I think to be with other races is fun, whether he/she will become your family or just your friends. We can learn much different culture and I think it will enrich our knowledge.

  42. Personally, having a mixed-race family is an interesting idea, well at least from my point of view. Even though it will not be easy (as what the article had stated), still, I think the challenge itself will make the experience different from having a one race family. Moreover, in the future I think our globalized society will be more tolerant about this race matter. When I was still in my senior high, making fun of my friends' races is a normal thing to do (ONLY in my school area, without any intention for discriminating others, just for fun). And no one ever felt disturbed or even hurt. Every people in my senior high taking this race issue less seriously. And the funny thing is, it made the students' efforts to be more tolerant about their friends' races became much easier .

  43. Thank God that racism are reduced greatly today, but i not sure if it will be completely eradicated since human nature contain envy. Racism will still exist but we can reduce it more until it is less than one percent. But if you put yourself in the other shoes, we cant help our self get envious since the mixed race are more superior than us but lets hope that racism will be reduce from an insult into a joke in the future.

  44. In my opinion having a mixed race family isn't easy because we have to combine different background and culture. I was wondering if i marry someone from us for instance, i can't really follow the backround culture of her because in US it is too liberal and different for me. But i think it will be interesting if we can do it, and for me it is beneficial to have mixed race family because i want to fix my descent.

  45. I understand that mixed child might meet difficulties and racist comments. It is always hard to deal with it even more when you struggle to build yourself. Mixed are pervaded into different cultures which sometimes, might conflict each other. However, being mixed in our present globalized world appears as a chance and an advantage. Being bilingual, adopting yourself to different culture environments, visiting your family abroad maybe study there... promise to produce open minded persons.
