Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Coin Game

Can you write clear, concise rules and tips that will fit on the back of a shoe polish tin type container?

The players. The equipment. The Set up. How to play. How to win. Tips. Use the comments feature...


  1. the players: consist of two players
    the equipment: ten coins
    the set up : make a 1-2-3-4 row of coins
    how to play : take the coin from the lowest level horizontally
    how to win : not picking the last coin
    tips: make your opponent pick the last coin for second level (three coin)

  2. The players consist of two players. We need 10 coins for this game. We can use more than 10, but it will be more complex. What we need to do is order the coins starting from 1 coin at the top, 2 below, and so on like a Pascal row. We need to take the coins strategically if we want to win. The loser is the one who takes the last coin, so make sure you have a strategy to avoid taking the last coin. There are a few ways, but based on my experience, you have to count the possibilities and it often involves taking only 1 coin from the last row (the row that has the most coins) and count the possibilities of each player taking 1 coin or 2 coins, and so on.

  3. We don’t need to spend so much money and prepare so many things to have an interesting game. This game (the coin game) is a good example. Only with 10 coins and two people, we can do such an interesting game. First of all, we should set up the coins into triangle shape, ( one coin in the top, two coins in the second row, three coins in the third row, and four coins in the fourth row ). The rules of play are easy. Every person should take turn to take a coin but only in the one row. You cannot take coins in the 2 or more rows in one turn. The winner is the one who don’t take the last coin, other hand the loser is the one who take the last coin. I have some tips for you to win the game. Try to take the odd-numbered or even-numbered of coins which opposite with the total numbers of coin left. For example, if the total numbers of coins left are even-numbered, you must take any numbers of coins which odd-numbered, vice versa. This strategy doesn’t really matter in the beginning of the game, but it will affect more in the last game when the coins are few, like 3 left or 5 left. Try this strategy when you do this game. If you still lost, please back to our quality of brain, hehe just kidding. Good luck!

    1. Rian: "Try to take the odd-numbered or even-numbered of coins which opposite with the total numbers of coin left. For example, if the total numbers of coins left are even-numbered, you must take any numbers of coins which odd-numbered, vice versa."

      This sounds like a very clever bit of analysis, but... are you just making it up? Can anyone verify this odd-even-opposite thing?

    2. yes i'm just making it up, based on my feeling haha,
      but it was proven actually in the late game, i practiced it already.

  4. There are two players needed for this game. Originally, his game would need 15 coins but 10 would work just fine. Arrange the coins to make a triangle. The rule is simple: the first player take any amount they want from the bottom tier, could be one or all four of them. The next player have to take less than the first player taken and can only be from the same tier. The loser is the one that take the last coin. Simple, right?

    1. indira hapsari: "The rule is simple: the first player take any amount they want from the bottom tier, could be one or all four of them. The next player have to take less than the first player taken and can only be from the same tier."

      Yes, these rules may well be simple but which game are they for??

  5. Coin game rules
    1. Consist of two people.
    2. 10 coins (First row 1 coin, second row 2 coins, third row 3 coins, fourth row 4 coins).
    3. Every turn both players can only take coins from one same row, taking coins from different row in one turn are not allowed.
    4. Player who take the last coin is the loser.

    Left 3 coins on different row for your opponent turn, last tips keep talking to distract their attention of your strategy.
    Have fun!

  6. Players: 2 players
    1. provide 10-15 coins
    2. put the coins on the table and make them like a pyramid (from the top: 1 coin, 2 coins, 3 coins, 4 coins, 5 coins)
    3. Decide who'll play first.
    4. Player can take coin(s) from the same row but not from the same column.
    5. Player can take the amount of coins as they want as long as the coins are in the same row.
    6. Player who takes the last coin looses.

    Tips to win:
    1. Don't play with chess players (their brains are well-trained)
    2. Distract your opponent so she/he can't focus

  7. -We need two players for play this game.

    -Would be play with 10 coins or 15 coins but for beginner would be recommended play with 10 coins.

    -Firstly you should make triangle with 10 or 15 coins. (see path below)

    ...............4.5.6 .....................................

    - Both Players can turn to take one coin or more but it should only be in one row.

    - Anyone who takes the last coin in this game is the loser.

    -Strategy: Always counting the rest of existing coins and and rack one's brains to make your opponent pick the last coin.

  8. The coin game consists of two players. The numbers of coins are ten or fifteen. Arrange the coins like a pyramid. So the first row is one coin, the second row consists two coins, the third one consists three coins and the fourth consists four coins. If there are fifteen coins used, so the fifth row consist five coins. The rule of the game is the players play in turn. The players can take any number of coin but in the same row. The player who takes the last coin will be the loser. That’s why, to win the game the players should think carefully when pick the number of coins. We should predict what our opponent will do after we do a move. Make sure our opponent take the last coin.

    1. Shofi: "We should predict what our opponent will do after we do a move."

      Mmm. This advice could apply to any turn-based game for two players, ever played, anywhere, with any rules, and at any time in human history!

      "Make sure our opponent take the last coin."

      Indeed. Otherwise... you'd lose! Sound advice!!

  9. Two players are needed in this game. First, you must prepare at least ten coins, fifteen would be better. With fifteen coins the game will be a little bit more complex, but it will train you in developing strategies. Arrange the coins into a triangle shape, imagine Pascal's triangle. You can start the game now, players should withdraw at most four coins each turn. Remember, you can only withdraw the coins which located in one horizontal line. Player who take the last coin loses the game.

    Don't play with people who are good at math.
    And pray.

    1. Surya: "Arrange the coins into a triangle shape, imagine Pascal's triangle."

      Those of us who are unable to "imagine Pascal's triangle" are NOT ALLOWED to play this game??

      Sounds like you had a very strict maths teacher!

  10. To play this game, you need two players. First of all, you have to get at least 10 coins (you can play with more coins but the difficulty increases). Position the coins in triangle, a line of 4, one of the 3, one of the 2 and one of the 1. Rules are simple. You can only remove the coins which are in one horizontal line. You can remove 1 to 4 coins at the same time. The players have to remove coins one after the other. One thing is important: the player who takes the last coin is the looser. It is always necessary to think of a turn in advance and of what the other player can make.

    1. Coline: "It is always necessary to think of a turn in advance and of what the other player can make."

      I am going to call this "The Shofi-Coline Advice"!

      a.k.a. Think Ahead!

  11. Coin soccer
    Arrange a series of obstacles around the table (sauce bottles, spoon, fork, salt and pepper) and design a course through them.
    Players must get around the course in the fewest ‘shoves’ as possible, avoiding penalties:
    • Hitting an obstacle = a one-shove penalty
    • Coming off the table = a two-shove penalty

    If you’re really going for it, have a few rounds each and add some obstacles each round. After a few rounds when everyone’s used to the course, you could have a time trial – a 5-second penalty for hitting obstacles and 10 seconds for coming off.
    Oh, and you’ll need names for your horses.

  12. The coin game is played by two people and the only requirement is ten or fifteen coins. First, you have to arrange the coins into a form of pyramid (triangle). After that, decide with your friend who will move first. The rules are simple. You can take any number of coin but only in the same row. The loser is the one who take the last coin. I have some tips for the ten coins game. If you are the first-move player, try to take all four coins in the fourth row. Whichever the second-move player take, in several turns, you will always win. And if you are the second-move player, just pray and hope that your opponent did not know the trick. Good luck!

  13. To play this coin game you’re going to need two people and ten or more. The coins will be put to form a triangle: one coin on the top, two coins in second row, three coins in third row, four coins in the next row, and so on. So this is how this game works, player can take any amount of coins from one single row. Player cannot take coins from different row at the same time, so each player must take the coins horizontally. The player who takes the last coin will lose. Here’s tip from me: it’s easier to win if you leave three rows with one coin in each row, but make sure you make that form, therefore your opponent will have no choice but to take the last coin.

  14. rules and how to play this game :
    1. only 2 persons can play in one game.
    2. 10 coins are needed in this game.
    3. the 10 coins have to set up to 4 rows; the 1st row consists of 1 coin, the 2nd row consists of 2 coins, the 3rd row consists of 3 coins, and the 4th row consists of 4 coins.
    4. you can only take the coins horizontally.
    5. the last one who take the coin lose.

    Tips to win the game :
    1. You need to leave out 1 coin in each 3 different rows. Then its a check mate for your opponent.
    2. If you're left out with even number, you need to take 1 coin in each move, and leave out 1 coin in each different row.

    1. Fara: "[1] You need to leave out 1 coin in each 3 different rows. Then its a check mate for your opponent. [2] If you're left out with even number, you need to take 1 coin in each move, and leave out 1 coin in each different row."

      This all sounds very adroit and plausible but is it true? Can anyone verify [1] and [2] ?

  15. To play the “Coins Game”, you have to be two players and have ten coins with you (at least). Dispose the coins like a pyramid: four coins at the bottom, three coins above, two coins again and then one coin at the top. The rules are quite easy: you can take from one to four coins but the coins have to be on the same line horizontally. You are not allowed to take coins in diagonal or vertically. The player who take the last coin loose the game. I think to win you have to think about the possibility that the adversary has before to play. Moreover, don’t take the “one coin” because then it still has lot of possibilities.

  16. It is a two players game. You need 10 coins and arrange it into pyramid shape. You can only take coins that place in the same row. The one who take last coin is the one who lose. Tips :Calculate the amount of the coins you take. Be patient.

  17. This coin game consists of two players. What we need for this game is just 10 coins. Then, what we need to do is order the coins starting from 1 coin at the top, 2 below, and so on like a Pascal triangle order. Every person should take turn to take a coin but only in the one row. You cannot take coins in the 2 or more rows in one turn. We strategically take the coin if we want to win. Who will be a loser is the one who takes the last coin, so make sure to avoid taking the last coin. You should always count the rest of existing coins to make your opponent pick the last coin. In other words, you have to count every possibility while distract your opponent mind. Further, I also agree with Gian’s strategy if we were the first player, we should try to take all four coins in the fourth row.

  18. I played this game with Fara. So, our tips to win this game are not different. When we play, we know what to do in order to win the game. But I think it’s hard to say it in words. I think how much coins we take depend on how much our opponent takes. So, it doesn’t matter who start first if you know the tricks to win this game.

    Rules and how to play this game:
    1. Only 2 persons can play in one game.
    2. 10 coins are needed in this game.
    3. the 10 coins have to set up to 4 rows; the 1st row consists of 1 coin, the 2nd row consists of 2 coins, the 3rd row consists of 3 coins, and the 4th row consists of 4 coins.
    4. You can only take the coins horizontally.
    5. The last one who takes the coin loses.

    Tips to win the game:
    1. you need to leave out 1 coin in each 3 different rows. Then it’s a check mate for your opponent.
    2. If you're left out with even number, you need to take 1 coin in each move, and leave out 1 coin in each different row.

  19. This game needs two players. For the equipment, we just need ten coins. But if you want to increase the difficulty level of this game, you can use fifteen or twenty one coins. These coins have to be arranged into pyramidal-shaped. The first row consists of one coin; the second one consists of two coins, and so on. Starting this game, the first player may take any number of coins but they have to be in a same row. The one who takes the last coin will be the loser. Tips for this game: think carefully and just like Surya said, “Don’t play with people who are good at math”.

  20. You needs two players to play this game, before you start you must prepare your hand, brain and at least ten coins to play this game. Arrange the coin like a pyramid, you need one coin on the first layer, two coins in the second layer and so on. each player can take coin as much as they want but, it must be in the same row. the last player who take the coin will lose the game. tips to win: be lucky, and i suggest you to take the coin in the lowest layer first and leaves two coins at the end.

  21. This game requires two players. You need 10 coins (and something that can hold it) to play the game. The set up we make those ten coins into a triangle shape: the first row consist of 1 coin, the second 2 coins, the third 3 coins, and the forth 4 coins. To play this game you must have the same direction of view of the coins. Then decide who is going to play first. Then the coin must be picked of certain ammount per turn. You can only pick coins of the row that you choose. So, you cannot pick coins from another row. The last player who take the coin lose. I think the best way to win is just to be lucky, but my strategy is to make each row only have one coins after you know you will win. It's hard to say it though.

  22. For this coin game, we need two players and 10 coins. Arrange the coins into a pyramid form; a coin at the top, 2 coins at the second row, 3 coins at the third and 4 coins at the bottom row.
    1. The players can only take coins from the same row, whichever row it is
    2. Can take more than one coin as long as it's from the same row
    3. The last one to take the coin is the loser.
    1. Be careful with the number of coins you take

    1. Too bad I missed the class when you guys played the coin game. But based on your explanation about rules of the game ,Puteri , I think those players who have better IQ will win this game , because this game needs a great mind and a great strategy to solve it. Maybe if we get used to play Chess , it will be easier to us to set the strategy for this mini coin game, to think and act one step forward than other players.

  23. My tip for this game:

    Try to leave 2 rows with the same number of coins for your partner! This will make sure that you will win!

  24. How to play the game:

    1. A game consist of two players
    2. Play with 10 or 15 coins, more coins that you use more complex game that you face.
    3. Set the coin like a pyramid
    4. Its player play in turn
    5. Take the coin horizontally, you can take one or more coins but still in the same row
    6. The one who take the last coin is the loser

    a. Make sure that you chose weaker opponent than you
    b. Take your right decision
    c. Count it carefully
    d. Make sure that you opponent take the last coin
    e. Pray for the best

  25. This game consists of two players and the materials needed to be able to play this coin game are ten coins. Before playing the game you arrange your coins like a Pascal triangle order, one coin from the top, the first row, until four coins on the fourth row. After you arrange the coins like a Pascal triangle order, you can then start the coin game. There’s no rule of who’s going to take the first turn, so it depends on the players about the turn arrangement. Every player must take turn to take the coin(s); the main rule is you have to take the coin(s) from the same row regardless the number of coin. For example you can take only two coins from the fourth row or you can take those four coins in once and you cannot take two coins from for example the second row and the first row at once. The player who takes the last coin is the loser. The strategy to win this game is to always count the rest of existing coins and try to find the possibility of leaving one last coin for the other player.

  26. Coin game is a game using coins. No need to use a lot of coin, only need to use ten until fifteen, then we can play. The game is played by two people. We need to arrange the coins like pascal triangle. Regulation game is decide who starts the game, each person can only take coins in the same line (if you take more than one coin), and the person taking the last coin means is people who lose the game. Tips on playing the game is not in a hurry to decide and act, and think about a lot of possibilities if you take the coin.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. A few weeks ago I discovered a trick to win the coin game with fifteen coins. The set up and the rules are still the same with the ten coins game: arrange the coins into the form of triangle and then decide who will move first. The ultimate move to win the game is you, as the first-move player, have to take one coin from the last row. Next, you should make a symmetrical position for the fourth and fifth row. For example, if your opponent leave the rows (fourth and fifth row) untouched, you should also leave it and play with assumption that there is just three first rows left.

  29. Honestly, I haven't figured out the 'commonly accepted' way to play this game. So, rather than explaining about the rules, I will give you the hints first. First, drink bottles of beer before playing this game. Second, play this game with someone who's drunk and gullible (I played it with patrick). It's a bar game, remember? About the rule, first distribute 10 coins into 4 row. The first row consists of four coins, the second row consists of three coins, etc. Then, in turn, you and your opponent are free to take as many coins as you guys want to, but it has to be from one row only. To make it more interesting, me and patrick had added one additional rule. When players take their coins, those coins taken from a row must be EQUAL-SIDED. Garuda-sided coins with garuda-sided ones, parrot-sided coins with parrot-sided ones.

  30. This coin game is a strategic game. You need to have a good strategy to win this game. You need two players and 10 coins. Please arrange the coins such a pyramid. One coin for the top, followed by two coins under the top and three coins below the other two and four coins to be the base for the pyramids. After you arranged it, you can start play the game. You must take the coin based on the rules. The rules are, first, you must take the coin horizontally, you can take one or more coins. Second, you played in alternately with the opponent. Third, the winner of this game is someone who are not take the last coin. For those of you who want to win, there is one tip that really important, you must leave one coin coin in each different row. If you can do that, you will automatically win.

  31. Number of players in order to play this game is at least two players. The equipment needed for coin game are couple coins, and a table or an underlayer to put the coins. To set up this coin game is by made a triangle shape from those coins. The more layers made, more fun the game is, and the longer the duration of the game. The basic rule of this game is each player take coins in turns, and player can take coins which in the same row, does not matter the number of coins taken by player, and the last player who take the coin lose the game. One of important tips of this game is left one or three row of coins in your last turn.

  32. This game is for two players. The equipment needed is simple, just ten coins. We can use more coins to add the level of difficulty. Firstly, we have to arrange the coins into pyramidal shape. First row consists of one coin, second row consists of two coins and so on. After deciding the turn, you can start the game by taking one or more coins from one single row. The player who takes the last coin will be the loser. In order to win this game, you have to consider your strategy. My tips for winning is simple; keep the last coin left for your enemy, think ahead and count the coins you should take carefully.

  33. You need 2 players and 10 coins for playing this game. You can add the number of coins to increase the difficulty. First, arrange coins into triangle with 1 coin at first line, 2 coins at second line, 3 coins at the third, and 4 coins at last line. The game is about each player take turn one by one, by taking coin(s). Player can take as many coins as they want in one line. The last coin taken will decide who lose the game.

  34. I knew this game before. I use to play it with paper and pencil. Instead of taking away coins you just cross out lines. As I have read the posts I still have not figure it out what is the best way to start the game in order to win the game. It is probably just simple mathematics but to complicated for me. SO by the way I have figured out it works I will be an old man being upset wasting the entire life on how to win this game. Here are the rules:
    1. provide 10 til 15 coins
    2. set them up like a pyramid
    3. first player starts to take away at least one coin out of line max till one is left. To take the last coin line demands a complete move.
    4. the last person who takes a coin looses.

  35. For two players.

    10 coins set up in a triangle with the base of four coins and one at the very top.

    Take any amount of coin from ONLY one row (horizontally). The second player does the same. Take turns. Player taking the last coin loses.

    Tip: leave your opponent with one coin on three of the rows.
